Carpet Repair in Aurora, CO, Denver, Golden, CO, Highland Ranch, Lakewood, CO, Littleton, and the Surrounding Areas

Carpeting is one of the most popular flooring options, whether that’s in a home or a commercial building in Aurora, CO, Denver, Golden, CO, Highland Ranch, Lakewood, CO, Littleton, and the surrounding areas. And while it is important to keep your carpets clean, sometimes a carpet can suffer damage and require attention. At Tri-R Carpet Care, we can perform carpet repairs that end up with your carpet looking like nothing happened at all. From rips and buckles to fading colors and more, our team has a solution to make your carpeting look like new. Contact us today to learn more about having us perform a carpet repair on your carpets.

What Kinds of Carpet Repair Issues Are There

Carpet Repair in Aurora, CO, Denver, Golden, CO, Highland Ranch, Lakewood, CO, and LittletonYou may find that your carpeting is buckling or rippling rather than laying flat on the floor. If you notice this, our team can help. It likely is due to the carpet not having been stretched properly when it was first installed. This can be remedied with the right tools so that your carpeting is nice and flat. Where your carpeting meets another flooring type, it is important that you have the right transition piece to help keep your carpeting from getting caught and fraying at that meeting joint.

Some carpeting issues require a different approach. You may have a tear in your carpeting, or a hole or permanent stain from bleach or other chemical. In these cases if you have a remnant of carpeting that is the same as the rest of the carpeting, we can do a patch repair that will end up looking like nothing ever happened. We have a variety of tools that will help blend the carpeting patch with the rest of the carpet.

Keep Your Carpeting In The Best Shape

Accidents do happen, and our team will be there to help bring your carpeting back to like-new condition, but there are some things that you can do to help keep your carpet looking its best. Because sunlight can quickly fade your carpeting, you should keep blinds or curtains shut during the day to help minimize any fading that might happen. You should also vacuum your carpeting frequently to keep dirt and other contaminants to a minimum, and have a good spot treatment option on hand to quickly address any spills.

When you find that your carpet requires some extra care or repairs, make the call to Tri-R Carpet Care. We have hundreds of satisfied customers in Aurora, CO, Denver, Golden, CO, Highland Ranch, Lakewood, CO, Littleton, and the surrounding areas that have beautiful carpeting, and we can do the same for you. Contact our team today about your needed carpet repairs.